Sen. Lankford says Biden’s Middle East silence invites China’s power.

Sen. Lankford says Biden's Middle East silence invites China's power. 1

According to Senator James Lankford of Oklahoma, Communist China is expanding its economic and diplomatic influence in the Middle East due to the lack of a clear strategy from the Biden administration. Sen. Lankford stated that China is finding success in expanding its influence with countries in the region such as Saudi Arabia and Iran, while the United States has failed to demonstrate its commitment to peace and countering the threat posed by Iran’s authoritarian regime. He added that leaders in the Middle East have no idea about the plans of the Biden administration for the region and feel abandoned. The situation has led to a power vacuum which China is capitalizing on. Sen. Lankford urged the Biden administration to prioritize communication with the people of Iran, rather than focusing on negotiations with its government, which has no interest in honoring any arms control agreements. He highlighted that the US has a responsibility to promote the rights of Iranian people and to address human rights issues in the region. Sen. Lankford also criticized the Biden administration for being silent on key peacekeeping missions and significant foreign policy issues.

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