“Reduced Diabetes Risk by Avoiding Gadgets Before Sleep”

"Reduced Diabetes Risk by Avoiding Gadgets Before Sleep" 1

A recent study by Northwestern University suggests that avoiding exposure to computer and phone screens before bedtime can reduce the risk of gestational diabetes in women. Dr. Minjee Kim, lead author of the study, emphasised that light exposure from these devices is an under-recognised risk factor for gestational diabetes. The health risks associated with gestational diabetes are significant, including an increased likelihood of obstetric complications, diabetes, heart disease, and dementia for the mother, as well as obesity and hypertension for the offspring.

The study found that evening light exposure from devices causes overactivity of the sympathetic nervous system, which can contribute to obesity, insulin resistance, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. Therefore, bright lights from televisions, computers, alarm clocks, and smartphones should be avoided before bedtime to optimise the circadian rhythm.

In addition to avoiding evening light exposure, preventing gestational diabetes can also be achieved by adopting a nutrient-rich diet. Dr Joel Fuhrman, an expert in preventing and reversing disease through nutritional methods, suggests that a high-nutrient dietary style can protect women from gestational and type 2 diabetes later in life. Implementing these changes is an easy modification that can be made to a daily routine for improved health outcomes.

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