“Chinese Communist Party accused of medical genocide in new documentary” – 9 words.

"Chinese Communist Party accused of medical genocide in new documentary" - 9 words. 1

The families of Yun Zhang and Shawn Huang, who disappeared during China’s persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, embarked on a 20-year search and uncovered a state-sanctioned organ harvesting industry that targets innocent citizens. The documentary “State Organs” tells their stories and highlights the CCP’s crimes against Falun Gong practitioners. Zhang’s husband was detained and subjected to torture, and Zhang herself was imprisoned and lost contact with her family. Huang participated in a 1999 petition and was later arrested, and his family has not heard from him since he embarked on a mission to broadcast uncensored news about the persecution. The documentary presents testimonies from families and friends of Falun Gong practitioners who have become victims of the forced organ harvesting industry. Canadian lawmakers passed anti-forced organ harvesting legislation in December 2022.

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