Authors criticize Canada’s pandemic policy as an inappropriate use of power.

Authors criticize Canada's pandemic policy as an inappropriate use of power. 1

Two Canadian authors, Marco Navarro-Genie, founder of the Haultain Research Institute, and University of Calgary political scientist Barry Cooper, have released an expanded edition of their book, “Canada’s COVID: The Story of a Pandemic Moral Panic.” During the online book launch, Cooper said he was motivated to write due to his “concern for the truth,” and his frustration with the lies told by his medical school colleagues. The first paperback edition, released on November 27th, 2020, was 153 pages; the updated version is 388 pages, swelling to 530 pages with nearly 100 pages of end notes and a long index. Navarro-Genie said he was motivated to document a truer picture of COVID-19 due to the disproportionate comparisons of it to the Spanish Flu. The authors have modest hopes for the book, with Cooper saying it would be nice if people paid attention, but that it would hopefully leave a trail of what took place for future reference. In the book, they lament that pandemic policy is no less off-course now than it was in their initial book release. They believe the answer lies in politics, not science, and that politicians and “so-called experts” cannot admit the science is against their approach. They warn that the trajectory of the pandemic response points to the imposition of unnatural and unchallengeable slavery, with the next chapter in the orthodox narrative foreseeing the replacement of money with crypto currency and something like China’s “social credit” in order to create a seamless, totally surveilled population.

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